You probably thought I'd tell you to run out to Burger King or what ever the nearest fast food place is. Actually, I am very lucky to have myself covered in those down-days emergencies. I can eat well and somewhat adventurously. My food is healthy and, believe it or not, delicious. And to top all that off, very, very easy.
How do I do that? Let me admit first that I keep my cupboard fairly well stocked. I have the basics: sliced whole grain bread and slices of cheese. My extras were foods were sliced button mushrooms and a stack of apples.
And my trusty toaster oven. I love it.
For my supper the first night I placed a slice of cheese on whole grain bread. During the summer when tomatoes are the gift of the gods, I place a slice of vine ripened tomato on top of the cheese. But what was I to do now that it's late fall?
Of course, nowadays there are apples galore. I had gala and cut off pieces to place on the cheese. Put that in my toaster oven and baked for a while. When the cheese was melted, the bread toasty, and the apples softened, I served it with a glass of milk on the side. You can drink whatever seems right to you: beer, wine, water (but not soda; remember we're healthy).
The next night, I covered the cheese with the sliced button mushrooms. You can sprinkle a bit of nutmeg on the mushrooms and cook until the cheese is melted and the mushrooms softening, adding the drink of your choice.
Be willing to try new toppings. Raid your cabinets and shelves to find a topping that will bring out the best in that melted cheese. But don't work too hard. This has to be easy.
A simple recipe is below:
Melted Cheese on Whole Grain Bread with Topping of Your Choice
1 or 2 slices of whole grain bread
Cheese slices, 1 to 2 per piece of bread (Your favorite reduced fat cheese; I often use cheddar.)
Available fruits or vegetables such as apple, mushrooms, pineapple, canned fruits, layers of spinach, and on and on. Experiment! Have fun.
Place bread slices on the toaster oven tray that has been covered with aluminum foil. Place slices of cheese on the bread, according to your appetite. Cover with the topping of your choice. Heat until cheese is melted, the bread is toasty, and the topping is softened.
Serves 1-2