"Just eat food. Eat real food, be active, and live your life.
Forget all the diet and weight loss nonsense. It’s really just that.
Nonsense." www.yourfairyangel.com
The writer, Iris Higgins, shown above, is saying what needs to be said about healthy living in a nutshell. Unfortunately, the background of this statement isn't so simple. She has impressive credentials: nutritionist, cookbook author, and work with eating disorders. Her blog that's going the rounds is An Open Apology to All of My Weight Loss Clients. On the face of it, the apology is genuine and many replies have indicated that readers like what is said there. So do I.
However, my own approach to healthy living is much simpler than Higgens' because I know that my readers are busy, maybe handicapped, and probably don't know a great deal about healthy living. So I give easy, simple ways to work exercise into daily life, ways to calm down, and best of all incorporate healthy eating into their lives, even while on the run. Even Mayor Bloomberg of New York City tells citizens there to work exercise into everyday life; take the stairs instead of the elevator, for example.
Higgens approach isn't so simple: there are thirty (!) minute meditations, and glucose-free cookbooks. And
she guides her followers as they let go of what's holding them back. She must appeal to women who have the time, space, and money to devote to themselves. Sounds like the 1970s to me. Been there, done that.
Let's keep our lives simple and healthy. Most of us don't have the time or energy to indulge in fairy-angel practices.
Higgens approach isn't so simple: there are thirty (!) minute meditations, and glucose-free cookbooks. And
she guides her followers as they let go of what's holding them back. She must appeal to women who have the time, space, and money to devote to themselves. Sounds like the 1970s to me. Been there, done that.
Let's keep our lives simple and healthy. Most of us don't have the time or energy to indulge in fairy-angel practices.